Dawn’s Blog – January 2019

January, 2019

As we proudly celebrate 50 years of service, we reflect on where we’ve been and continue to creatively explore the possibilities for the future. In 1968, Civitan club members had the great vision of building a camp with donated land. After many hours of weekend work projects, old sinks, mix matched paint and the drive to build a safe and fun place for our members to come and enjoy the great outdoors, play amongst peers and get out of the summer heat, Camp Civitan was built.

And 50 years later we have not disappointed our forefathers, but instead have expanded and grown our services and offerings almost 50 times more! But not without the help of our long-time donors and the people who believed in us and our efforts and dreamed with us to want more.

Today we serve over 250 individuals in our day and employment programs, more than 1250 enjoy summer and weekend camps, 300 youth volunteers come to learn and help in various areas, 15,000 summer free meals are served, and employ almost 60 members, and 200 direct care staff.

Have you had the chance to come and see our Village? If not please drop us a line, we would love for you to come and see just what and how we do it!

Life is good as they say, but we are always looking for better, and need your help and support. It is the giving season and I ask that you consider us in your year-end planning, tax dollar credits $800.00 for couples, or $400.00 for singles, a monthly reoccurring donation, items on the wish lists and donations for the thrift stores.

YOU do and can make a difference, Happy Thanksgiving.


Civitan CEO Dawn Trapp dancing with member

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February 13, 2019
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April 3, 2019